Interview with Doc. Dr. Andrej Petrov

Interview with  today are a type of chronic disease that includes the largest number of the population. The skin is the largest organ of the human body and is exposed to the external environment. It is the protective barrier. On the surface of the skin of an elderly person live 2 kilograms of bacteria that are a kind of protective layer of the skin. Today, according to the World Health Organization.  Ultraviolet radiation is identified as the main carcinogen. The sun is the direct cause of aging of the skin but also of the development of certain malignant tumors.

Interview with  at-risk groups

When we talk about malignant tumors of the skin, there are carcinomas of the skin, they are of epithelial origin, and UAE Email List malignant melanoma, which is a tumor of pigment cells, melanocytes. These are the most common but there are others that are rarer. How is the appearance of melanoma recognized. Are there warning signs. Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous skin tumor and the most common cause of death from skin diseases. It is a tumor that originates from skin pigment cells in the most superficial layer of the epidermis and then spreads to the deeper layers of the skin and metastasizes to the lymph nodes.

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patients who have previously

You should see a doctor for any “new mole” or any existing mole that changes or starts to grow bleed. There is the so-called abcd rule from the acronyms of words in the english language that mark Hong Kong WhatsApp Number List asymmetry. Limit of change. Color and diameter are also very useful for self-evaluation. Just to assess if there is a problem with any mole that we need to examine at the dermatologist. What we need to know is that we should not worry and that 20% of melanomas are created from existing moles while others are created de novo. What are the groups at risk or are men and women equally affected.


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