Starting school is a big step for young children

Starting school is a big step for young children. Many children accept the beginning calmly and adapt very quickly, but some children, especially those who have not gone to kindergarten, accept the new change in a difficult way. School is a big change for both the child and you. Starting school changes the child’s daily rhythm and becomes part of a structured environment. In which there are rules and obligations that must be respected. In school, the child must not only learn. But also adapt to most other children, to the unknown person (the teacher) and to the certain school discipline.

To get to know the world

Readiness for school is a combination of different abilities, dexterity, habits, knowledge, that is.  The experience and knowledge that the child has achieved in preschool age. The child’s success Turkey Email List depends not only on his readiness and your dedication, but also on the work of the school, namely the teacher. The task of the school is to use the readiness of the child through teaching. Giving certain exercises, encouraging the children’s interests. Factors on which readiness or maturity for school depends It is necessary for the child to be physically developed to cope with school life.

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Speaking is one of the essential

Here, first of all, it is about the daily crossing of the road from home to school and vice versa. At school, the child must be quiet for several hours, and this is a great burden on his back muscles. If these muscles are not developed sufficiently. It leads to an irregular sitting position and to a distortion of the spine. The development of fine motor skills and visuomotor control enable the correct holding of the pencil, control over the pressure of the pencil while coloring or while writing, the ability to draw certain geometric figures, man. For every student, the most important are the sensory organs.

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