High risk pregnancy

Maternal age is one of the most common factors for the presentation of a high-risk pregnancy. Pregnant women under the age of 17 and women over the age of 35 participate in this group. Their baby is at greater risk of complications than pregnant women who are in their late teens and early thirties. The risk of miscarriage and genetic complications increases in women who are over the age of 40. What conditions can cause a high-risk pregnancy? Medical conditions that can cause complications during pregnancy are: high blood pressure, breathing problems, kidney, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, sexually transmitted diseases or chronic infections.

How to prevent and treat 

All these conditions can be potential Chinese Overseas Africa Number Data risks for the mother and the fetus. High-risk factors may also include a history of miscarriage, problems with a previous pregnancy, or a family history of genetic disorders. If you have any of these medical conditions before deciding to get pregnant it is necessary to consult your gynecologist. What are the most common problems in high-risk pregnancy? The most common problems they can present are preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Preeclampsia is a condition that occurs only during pregnancy with high blood pressure, increased protein in the urine and swelling.

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If your pregnancy is considered

If not treated and followed it can be fatal for the mother and the baby. However, with proper treatment, most women Spain WhatsApp Number List who develop preeclampsia during pregnancy give birth to healthy babies. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that only develops during pregnancy, but other than this condition, pregnant women can have healthy pregnancies. Diabetes usually resolves after birth. Some pregnant women are at high risk, but some pregnant women are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. High-risk pregnancy complications are: Premature birth: Begins before the 37th week of gestation from pregnancy. Although it cannot be determined when the birth will take place, there are some factors that influence premature birth.

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