When your child is developmentally delayed

Difficulty in the social-emotional sphere conjectural achievements. And according to some authors, the assessment of the child’s. Capabilities is important care and self-help (starting from the ability to hold a bottle of milk or juice from the first months of life. To taking care of personal hygiene) step one – peer comparison. Delayed development is a condition that must be evaluated by a doctor, based on some strict criteria. Usually. It is the parent who first notices the deviations in his child compared to his peers. Therefore, if you think that your child is slower than other children of the same age – talk to your child’s pediatrician.

The first three years of the child

Sometimes late development is very obvious. But sometimes it is necessary to make a more detailed observation. As well as Chinese Overseas America Number Data sometimes consultation with a child development subspecialist. In order to confirm the real appearance of the child. The help of other instruments is also often required – screening tests which serve to determine or approach the diagnosis. What can cause delayed development. The reasons can be different: genetic factors, such as down syndrome perinatal problems. Such as premature birth, birth trauma, asphyxia. Neonatal infections metabolic.

Special Data

This is also the reason why it is important

Problems born or appearing later, especially from Switzerland WhatsApp Number List severe dehydration Sensory disorders such as lack of hearing and vision from birth or acquired later Pervasive developmental disorders, especially the autism spectrum Learning (learning) problems Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder Many neurological diseases with or without mental defects The list of conditions that can lead to delayed development is very long and includes a wide range of conditions such as severe chronic diseases during childhood, social deprivation, as well as difficult socio-economic conditions, which affect demotivation. of development in children. The first three years of child development.



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