The healing properties of the sea

Sea water has positive effects on the whole human body – it enables a sense of calmness, relieves tension and stress. Studies show that sea water activates the immune system and increases the body’s capacity to heal itself. The specific smell of the sea comes from the dimethyl. Sulphide gas which the sea carries. If you will absorb the sea air you will notice that you will sleep very well and peacefully at night. As the sea air is filled with negative hydrogen ions which enable easier absorption of oxygen. Therefore, Negative ions fight free radicals and balance the level of serotonin – the hormone of happiness.

The sea is a great ally in the fight

To have healthy bones we Japan Telegram Number Data need the presence of vitamin D. Especially for bones, vitamin D is the key to many other functions of the body. It is also important for the prevention of some serious cancer diseases. The body is nourished with vitamin D by the sun. In recent years. Many people fear the sun because of the paranoia of melanoma. Therefore. It is recommended to take the sun’s rays in the early hours of the morning. Late in the afternoon. And you should be careful not to use creams with a high protection factor because in this way the body cannot be supplied with the sufficient amount of vitamin D.

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The healing Stress is known to be the cause

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, was among the first to study the healing offered by the sea. Legend Nigeria Telegram Number has it that he came to this conclusion by studying the positive effects of the sea based on injuries to the hands of fishermen. Therefore, He came to understand that sea water reduces the risk of infection and regenerates cells and nourishes the exchange of toxic minerals between blood and water. The French scientist Rene Quinton dedicated his life to the study of sea water and in 1906 published his publication . Sea water. Semi-organic’which talks about the chemical similarity of blood plasma to sea water.

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