You should also be sure to fix broken links during this process

SEO tools are also good at identifying these errors. RUN SPEED TEST You may have added a plugin or feature to your site. That you didn’t even know was needed and is now. impacting your site’s speed. It’s important to take the time to. Evaluate website speed during your regular site audit because it will tell you what adjustments you need. To make before slow Cambodia Email List speed impacts your user experience and search engine rankings. An easy way to check your site’s speed is to use Google PageSpeed Insights. LOOK AT YOUR SITE FROM THE CUSTOMER’S POINT OF VIEW Try going into your website with fresh eyes. As you scroll and skim through content, consider whether the structure and navigation make sense and make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.

Are important pages easy to find?

Cambodia Email List

Do you have clean, intuitive, and easy-to-use site navigation? Are your conversion paths clear with effective calls to action? CHECK THE WEBSITE’S MOBILE-FRIENDLY SERVICEABILITY Most websites are designed with mobile first, but every now and then you still come across a plugin or template that doesn’t display well on mobile devices. It’s always a good idea to check how mobile-friendly your site is. Take the Google Mobile-friendly Test. LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO FILL THE SITE Does your site’s content answer the key questions your users have? Does it solve their pain points and the reasons why they might not buy your products or services? What gaps are there in your content that you could fill with updates or new blog posts?


SITES Audit website Spying on your competitors from time to time can help you see how competitive you are. Look for opportunities to improve or just get a feel for what they’re doing so you know how you fit into the market. You don’t want to Chile WhatsApp Number List do everything the same way as your competitors, and saying no to something can be just as strategic as doing something. Look at what customer service tools they have on their website, read a few blog posts, and see how easy it is to navigate their websites. This should provide you with a good basis for an annual website review to see if you are falling behind website trends and need adjustments.

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