Why Bomstart Is The Best For You

Like a few other companies, we are also one of the providers for the sme digitalisation grant in malaysia.

With us, you will get to enjoy the digital marketing package that we offer below. Trust us, opportunities like these don’t come often. Your business can be improved massively with our services.

We are a team of digital marketing specialists with one common goal which is to provide the best results for our clients.

Up until today, we have served over 100 clients from smes to big corporations.

Have a look at some of our success stories with our clients here and here.

This initiative by the government is music to the ears of those who are in the business industry.

It also indicates that going digital is absolutely necessary for smes to remain competitive.

Contact us now to claim your sme digitalisation grant

Looking to increase conversion rate for your website? This is the article you must read.

What could possibly be the obstacle that is preventing your website visitors to purchase your products or services?

Lucky for you, we have the answers and also solutions to boost sales and leads for your website.

What is conversion rate?
Increase conversion rate
Your website probably has a decent phone lists free amount of visitors who aim to check out your products.

However, out of all the visitors, how many actually buy from your site?

Conversion rate is a benchmarking tool that allows you to identify the progress of your business.

Visitors to your website carry the desired action like buying your products, membership registrations, and many more.

The higher conversion rate indicates positive because your website manages to achieve the goals of turning your website visitors into customers.

Why is your website struggling with conversion rate

Increase conversion rate
You must be wondering about the reasons BTC Database AS why your business is not going well despite having a website for a long time.

There might be some issues with your website that you might not be aware of.

Here are several reasons why you’re struggling to increase your conversion rate.

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