Tips for pregnant women in summer

Food: during pregnancy you should take only 300 extra calories per day. During the summer season, food should be rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, proteins, grains and more water. Salty foods should be limited, but this does not mean that you should completely exclude salt. Foods to avoid during the summer due to possible poisoning are: unsterilized milk, undercooked eggs, ice creams or creams made with non-fresh eggs, non-fresh meat, tuna fish, swordfish and some other types of fish due to the presence of mercury.

You should avoid soft

Cheeses as well as excessive caffeine Israel Telegram Number Data and strong teas. Travels: before you travel or go somewhere on vacation, you should definitely check with your gynecologist. He will determine the condition of you and the fetus and tell you whether or not you should travel. Most airlines give permission to fly up to the 28th week of pregnancy. You can travel by plane even in the 34th week, but for this you must have special permission and a doctor’s recommendation. If you can, ask for seats in the first seats of the plane, as those seats are more comfortable and the turbulence of the plane is felt less.

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During bus trips, always put

On your seat belt, after every one Poland Email List and a half hour journey, it is necessary to take at least 10 minutes of rest. To have blood circulation. Pregnant women who are in their second or third trimester should not drive a car, due to the risk of injury from the steering wheel. Even from minor accidents. During pregnancy, the least comfortable journeys are bus journeys. Sun exposure: during pregnancy, hormones produce greater amounts of pigment. So the risk of sun exposure and the appearance of spots on the skin is greater. Before every appearance in the sun, at least half an hour before. Apply sun protection cream with factor.

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