The h title the most important of the entire text

The h title the most important of the entire text and you must include -yes or yes- your main keyword. Also create subtitles or headings (h and h ) that make reading easier and more enjoyable and expand the information and give depth to some topics in your article. If you ne you can even have subtitles or h headers. Headers . Well-present and eye-friendly texts rememr that readers want to find good quality and well-present information. Make it easy to read pleasant to look at. For th the recommendations write specific ideas in short paragraphs.

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Divide your content using subtitles as many as you can st! Use a font that pleasing to the eye large easy to read. w of grammatical and writing errors. Use bold or highlight paragraphs to point your reader to relevant information. Accompany your texts with mobile app designs service images explanatory diagrams videos and screenshots that help understand the topic Keywords or keyword keywords essential to position an article when you write for seo. The ideal to use trending keywords or with good search traffic. To choose them it may useful to use google keyword planner ursuggest or semrush.

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Keyword planner when you have defin the main keyword rememr to always include it in the h title if possible at the ginning. Also in the url and in the meta description. It important to include the keyword or synonyms in the first paragraph and in the BTC Database AS final paragraph. Also throughout your text to achieve good keyword density in your article but don’t overdo it. It should always includ in a natural way and not exce . You can validate the density in seo quake The url and the meta-description the url must short friendly and optimiz for the keyword or topic of the article.

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