The advantages of radiation therapy

The advantages of  to irradiate the area in which the tumor is located. This radiation therapy can also be used to treat tumors in those. Parts of the brain that cannot be operated on. Imrt (intensity modulated radiotherapy): results in the delivery of a high dose of radiation that the tumor must receive. A dose that is maximally suitable for it. Even when its shape is complex and imprecise. With the help of this radiation technique. The desired dose is placed on the tumor. With maximum protection of healthy organs igrt (image-guided radiotherapy): enables the determination and localization of the tumor during treatment.

During the treatment period

Thanks to the daily checks with images (photographing). It can be observed if the tumor to be irradiated is Mexico Email List located in the radiation field. The patient is photographed not only before the therapy. But also during it. Thereby enabling. The possible prevention of tumor displacement during the filming period. What should you expect from radiation treatment. You will not feel pain.  Your doctor will recommend will be appropriate according to the diagnosis. Type of cancer, stage, size and location. Your health condition also plays an important role in treatment. Your radiotherapy specialist will be in constant collaboration with all your doctors. And together they will plan the best treatment for you.

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The type and dose of radiation

They will talk to you before you start the Sweden Phone Number List treatment and explain to you about the possible side effects that may appear during the treatment. Can radiation therapy cause side effects? Radiation therapy aims to destroy cancer cells, but sometimes during the treatment period, side effects may appear. If these side effects are treated in time, they can disappear in the first week of radiation. Fatigue, loss of appetite and skin irritation are the most common side effects. You should definitely inform your doctor and medical staff about side effects. They will inform you where to act and deal with them in the right way.

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