That’s why companies are increasing their marketing budgets for 2024

Check out the breakdown of where and why they will invest. As the calendar turns to the fourth and final quarter of 2023, the season of budgeting and planning for the coming year begins. While talk of a possible recession still looms over many businesses, marketers see plenty of opportunity in 2024 and are putting more money into their budgets to attract and Hong Kong WhatsApp Number Data retain customers. A recent Taradel marketing survey found that 94 percent of small businesses plan to increase their marketing budgets in 2024. Gartner research shows similar statistics, with companies planning to keep their marketing budgets in the 9% range after falling to 6.

 Those who see the new year as

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A new opportunity is much more likely to succeed than those who prepare for the worst and cut marketing budgets to save money. Marketing strategies that companies plan to invest in So where does all this money go and how do businesses see it Bosnia And Herzegovina WhatsApp Number List helping them grow and succeed? Here are the main areas in which companies are investing to maintain and grow their business. SOCIAL MEDIA In 2024, no one will be shocked to learn that companies are planning to invest in social media because it has been a hot topic for many years.

In 2022, companies reported dedicating

Up to 10-30 percent of their total advertising budget to social media. The key to 2024 will be finding the platforms and types of content that resonate best with your audience. For companies that have yet to find great success with the platform, this may mean spending the first quarter testing different types and tones of content on the platform. But companies that are already seeing engagement will look to capitalize on that engagement by engaging leads more strategically and investing more in developing content similar to what resonates well with customers.

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