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Find step-by-step instructions for redirecting users to different translations of your site based on their geolocation. If you have a multilingual website, an important factor in ensuring a high-quality experience for your audience is to redirect users to different translations based on the correct geolocation. WordPress site managers looking to create various translations can do so quite easily thanks to a wide variety of site Switzerland WhatsApp Number Data translation plugins. However, most plugins require the user to select a preferred language. Some of the more advanced plugins allow you to automatically select a language based on the user’s browser language, but they will not use the visitor’s location to determine the language.

When you browse the websites of major brands

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You will see that they automatically redirect users to their preferred language using geolocation. And if you want to compete, you will need to offer this service too. Learn how to redirect visitors to a different site translation based on their geolocation using the visitor’s IP address and location. Steps to redirect site visitors to multilingual versions of your site based on geolocation WordPress makes it easy to redirect users based on their location using a Honduras WhatsApp Number List plugin. You’ve probably noticed that WordPress has a plugin for almost everything, and geolocation data is no exception. 1. TRANSLATED YOUR SITE Before you redirect visitors to different language versions of your site, you need to create those versions.

On WordPress, you can use any of these plugins

GTranslate Loco Translate Polylang TranslatePress Weglot Next, you need to select the different languages in which you want to offer your site. You will add each of these languages in the plugin settings. You can then have a translator check the automated translations for accuracy and nuances to make sure they read smoothly. Once you’ve launched different language versions, you can start retargeting users based on geolocation. 2. DOWNLOAD WP PLUGIN GEOTARGETING If your translation plugin has created different versions of your site for translations, you can easily redirect them. For example, the original URL could be my website.

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