The more paid ads you run, the more you will learn what works best for your organization. Moving your budget from one platform to another can be challenging, but the reality is that it is the best way to improve your ROI. Don’t look at paid advertising results in isolation. Place the data in a spreadsheet along with other paid advertising data to Denmark WhatsApp Number Data to see what’s generating the best results for your business. Remember that CPC and total clicks only tell the beginning of the story. Your biggest concern should be the cost per conversion of an advertising campaign.

If your cost per lead is lower on Google Ads

Denmark WhatsApp Number Data

than on social media, allocate some budget from social media and point it to Google Ads to build on your success there. It’s tempting to feel like you don’t want to spend money on social media advertising because of the brand awareness it can create. Brand awareness is much more difficult to measure than new business and potential customers. And while Belarus WhatsApp Number List brand awareness is important, leads and sales are the lifeblood of your business and you need to treat them as such. 7. CREATE AN EFFECTIVE SERIES OF ARTICLES ON LEAD NURTURE In most cases, paid advertising is just the beginning of a relationship with a potential client.

You need to ask yourself what’s next long

before you press start on a paid campaign. In e-commerce, a nurturing series could include setting up cart abandonment reminders and retargeting ads to remind customers of what they’ve viewed. For companies with complex sales cycles or longer funnels, this may mean developing a multi-step email series to share content that will assuage customer concerns and demonstrate how you address their pain points. The process will look different for every business, but the concept is the same. Now you need to think about the next steps and actions you want your prospects to take and how you will guide them through the process through lead nurturing.

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