How to take the first step to internationalize an online project in Joint Venture mode

How to take the first step I have just done it. Launch an existing project in Spain in another country. In Germany to be more exact. How we have always done things more in the Latin style than in the Germanic way. In less than 24 hours we have created a first German version of our project.

Different scenarios to launch an online project How to take the first step

How to take the first step Different scenarios to launch an online project Launching a project category email list outside of Spain is not a good idea if things are not going well for you here. You have a small chance of success if the model is already working in your country. In another case you are adding an uncontrollable risk factor that makes it very difficult to get anywhere. No, the economic crisis and the fact that things are better outside than here is not a good argument. Buy an existing project : what was said. Starting from scratch in a foreign country is not the easiest task in the world. 

Start setting up a business abroad with a partner project in Joint Venture mode

Start setting up a business abroad with a partner Maybe you have BTC Database AS already guessed the model we have chosen. The core business is still young and does not generate the income to set up a team that is dedicated exclusively to it. Therefore, we must assume that one has to invest additional hours to be able to do everything. At the end of the day it is an additional project even if you are not doing something completely new.

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