Before you start running be sure to check

Before you start  a regular physical recreational activity is the basic basis for improving the condition of every healthy individual. Running longer distances (over 5km), especially marathon running, is a sport that requires adequate physical and mental preparation. According to doctor Ivan Trajkov, running is the best aerobic and cardiovascular sport for improving the work of the heart. “When starting running, one must first assess how great the loading of the heart, which is not an adequate part of cardiovascular risk is and exclude the existence of heart disease. This is achieved with regular routine checks at the cardiologist.

heart muscle disease

If the existence of heart disease is excluded. The beginning with the sport should be done gradually. With the Binance App Users Data gradual increase in the length of the run. And at the same time the gradual increase in the intensity of the run. This is best achieved by tracking heart rate (pulse) through skin sensors. In the beginning, the pulse should be maintained at about 60% of the pulse allowed for the age. Sex, body weight of each individual”. Red pulse area if you want to increase the running intensity in another phase. You should try to keep the heart rate at about 80 to 85% of the maximum allowed heart rate. “if we are over the limit. The athlete enters the so-called “red zone” phase.

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valvular heart disease

This is the area of ​​the pulse where oxygen is spent more weakly and it goes into the anaerobic phase, which Malaysia WhatsApp Number List means that from the point of view of conditioning. The organism only gets tired, while from the sports side there is no progress”. Necessary checks before physical activity Regular cardiological checks before starting sports are the basis for recommending the most adequate sport. Especially recommending the intensity of the sport. Perhaps more important are regular periodic checks if the individual has started playing sports for several months or years. Dr. Trajkov points out that with periodic checks, the percentage of excessive exercise will be reduced, especially the conditioning. Individuals who should not engage in high aerobic sports.

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