A full bladder makes you sleepless

Record the amount of fluid intake and voiding through urination. Notice if you urinate excessively at night. If you urinate more than 8 times a night, this is too much for those under the age limit of 60 years. It is also a problem if you urinate more than twice during the night, even in this case you should definitely contact your doctor. Limit fluid consumption two hours before bedtime Drinking fluids before bed can induce the need to urinate at night. Also, alcohol and caffeine are known to stimulate the bladder, and therefore should only be consumed during the day.

Do not consume alcohol

least only one glass per day, and reduce caffeine consumption. Do the apnea test During deep sleep, our body produces antidiuretic Hong Kong Email List hormone (ADH) that causes more fluids to be retained during the night. People who have apnea do not achieve deep levels of sleep because they lack this hormone. In addition, the reduced amount of oxygen during apnea causes the kidneys to excrete more fluid. In this case, treatment of apnea will also solve this problem. Feet chances are that you too wake up several times during the night. This happens because the fluid that stays in the limbs. During the day is released when you raise your legs to the same level as your heart.

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Do exercises If you have swollen

Then the fluid in your kidneys will be discharged. To help with this problem, you should do more exercise and go to the bathroom Belgium Phone Number List before going to bed. In order to discharge the fluids retained in the body. One of the reasons is aging It is true that as we age, our bodies produce less of the hormone that allows excess fluid retention. And therefore the bladder fills up faster. With aging, the bladder holds less urine. Therefore, women over the age of 60 should be aware that they will wake up at least once during the night to urinate. However, these tips will help reduce those trips to the bathroom at night, for people of all ages.

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