5 ways to improve breast health

The link between excess weight and cancer has not been proven. But doctors advise women to maintain a normal body weight to reduce the risk of developing this disease. Through a study, it has been shown that this disease. Develops faster in women with excess body weight than women with low body weight. In women 5 ways to improveĀ  with excess body weight who once defeated this disease. There is a possibility that this disease will reappear again. 2. Exercise 30 minutes a day at least 4-5 times a week women who are physically. Active are 25% less likely to develop breast cancer compared to those who do not perform physical activities.

The best source of vitamin

Studies have shown that exercising New Zealand Email List regularly can help prevent cancer by strengthening the immune system and maintaining a normal body weight. In addition to maintaining a normal body weight, exercise also improves bone health by strengthening them, which is very important for women who have survived breast cancer and undergone chemotherapy. The latter is known to reduce bone mineral Increasing the risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to prevent cancer or you’ve already experienced it. Therefore, Exercising will help. Walking is the easiest exercise that you should do continuously and regularly.

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Women who drink three

Healthy and balanced food every day you should eat 5-8 small portions of fruits and vegetables. Broccoli, cabbage, watermelon, as well as peas. Beans and others of this type are foods that fight cancer. You should increase your intake of omega 3 fatty acids. Which are found in walnuts, hemp seeds and soybeans. Avoid Lebanon Phone Number List sugar and refined oil. It is believed that good nutrition can help fight some types of cancer. Including breast cancer. And can prevent or slow the progression of the disease as well as its recurrence. 4. Limit alcohol consumption to a single glass a day women. Who drink one or more glasses of alcohol per day are predisposed to an increased risk of breast cancer.

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